The Albany Area Schools basketball program has a long history of success. We ask you to work hard to fully develop your personal skill level. We take a great deal of pride in sharing the growing number of participation numbers we have had in girls basketball. We look forward to continuing that trend moving forward. We welcome you to join our 7th and 8th grade program or the 9th through 12th grade program. The 7th and 8th grade number of teams depends on the number of students who sign up. In grades 9-12, we will have a 9th grade, junior varsity, and varsity team. We may also be able to add a fourth level for some games if our participation numbers are strong enough and we have opponents that are looking for more opportunities as well. As the advisor of this program, having a fourth level would put a smile on my face because then I know we are serving that many more Albany Area Schools students. We hope you will consider joining and welcome you with open arms!
FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE - November 13th, 2023
AGES/GRADE - Grades 7-12
FEES - $85 (grades 7-8); $110 (grades 9-12)
Aaron Boyum (Head) -
Todd Kuhn (JV)
Corery Nellis (9th)
Social Media: @AlbanyGBB

2023 Class AA 2nd PLACE