
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Albany Area Schools -- Home of the Huskies!

We are excited to welcome you to Albany Area School District and look forward to the opportunity of providing your child with a challenging and rewarding education! You can find out more about the Albany Area School District here.

Open Enrollment

Albany Area Schools is committed to providing exceptional educational opportunities for all students. Open enrollment is now available for the upcoming school year, welcoming families from outside our district who are seeking a strong, supportive learning environment.

By broadening our school community, we enhance opportunities and resources for all students while continuing to prioritize the success of our local learners. We are grateful for the support of our district residents, whose contributions make Albany Area Schools a great place to learn and grow.

For more information or to start the enrollment process, please proceed to the link below. 

By law, students wishing to open enroll must be admitted on a first come, first serve basis. This means applying for enrollment early is encouraged. Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year opened on January 1, 2025.

Kindergarten Registration

We are excited to begin planning for the 2025-2026 school year and look forward to meeting and welcoming the newest members to our school family! We invite you to join us for our Kindergarten Information Nights, which will include a presentation, Q&A session and tours of our Kindergarten classrooms.

Monday, January 27, 2025 | 6:00 pm

Avon Elementary School & Albany Area Early Learning Center


Prior to Kindergarten Information Night, please complete your online registration in Infinite Campus. If you are unable to upload all required forms, please bring them along to information night and our staff can photocopy them for our records. 

For additional information, please see the our Kindergarten Information Night letters:

Avon Elementary School | Albany Area Early Learning Center

If you have any questions or need to confirm your resident elementary school, please reach out to our offices at: 

Avon Elementary School - 320-845-5300 ext. 2 | Albany Area Early Learning Center - 320-845-5101 ext. 2

We look forward to meeting you and your Kindergartener!

Infinite Campus Online Registration

Albany Area School District utilizes an Online Registration system. If you do not have a computer or access to the internet, please stop by one of our offices and we have a computer in the main office you can use.

Please review the enrollment checklist below and gather your required items. Click on the button to receive a registration email when you are ready to begin. Please be aware the link may go to your junk or spam folder in your email account. We recommend you complete the registration on a desktop or laptop computer, not a cell phone. If you encounter any issues with this application, please call the help desk at (320) 845-5099 or email helpdesk@district745.org.

New Families

This option is for families that do not have any students at Albany Area Schools

Existing Families

This option for families that already have a student(s) at Albany Area Schools

  • Sign into your Infinite Campus portal account
  • Click More
  • Click Online Registration
  • Click on the year you would like to update or add a student
    • Example: 2024-2025 School Year Existing Student Registration

Enrollment Checklist

    • Acceptable documents
      • Birth Certificate
      • I-94
      • Passport
      • Hospital Birth Record
    • A minimum of one emergency contact and their phone number
    • Immunization Record including month, day, and year of all required vaccines
    • Student medications and any health concerns