Early Childhood Education
Hello, Early Childhood Friends!
Thank you for visiting the Early Childhood home page. On this page, you will be able to find information regarding Albany Area Schools' Early Childhood Programs, including Preschool, Early Childhood Family Education, Preschool Wrap-Around Care, and Preschool Screening.
In addition, you can print the preschool calendar and access important forms and other information. If you have any questions regarding Early Childhood Programming, please contact our office at 320-845-2171 ext. 5149.
We look forward to learning with your child!

2025-2026 Preschool Scholarships
Our goal is for all children ages 3-5 to have the opportunity to participate in preschool. If your family needs financial assistance, please complete the online application below. Upon receipt, our office will contact you regarding scholarship and payment plan options.
Early Childhood Family Education
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a program for children from birth to kindergarten and their families. The program offers quality programs to strengthen your parenting skills and to discover activities to help your child learn and grow. Watch your child thrive and make new friends! Playing and learning together strengthens the parent/child bond. Come to gain knowledge of child growth and development, temperament, and discipline techniques. Each class includes parent/child time, learning activities for children, and parent discussion. Classes are led by Minnesota State Licensed Parent and Early Childhood Educators.
Class Offerings
We offer a variety of ECFE classes, ranging from classes specific to babies or toddlers to mixed-age classes with children from birth through age five. Our classes are offered throughout the course of the year, September-May, and are held at varying times of the day and on different days of the week to best accommodate your family's needs. To view our upcoming ECFE classes and to register, please click here.
Program Fees
Fees for our Early Childhood Family Education classes are based on the annual gross income of your household. We appreciate your honesty, as our program is partially funded by the fees we receive from participants. Scholarships are available based on financial need. Please complete the short form below and our office will contact you upon completion.
Early Childhood Screening & Help Me Grow
- Is your child 4 years old and has not yet had an Early Childhood screening?
- Will your child soon be between 3 years 7 months to 3 years 11 months?
- Do you have any concerns about your child's (ages 3-5) development?
If so, it is your time to schedule your child's Early Childhood screening!
Screening will take place at Albany Area Early Learning Center and will take approximately one hour, during which your child will have Hearing, Vision, and Developmental Screening. The appointment will conclude with a Summary Interview.
This screening, offered at no cost to you, is required by the State of Minnesota and is a great way to connect with a licensed early childhood educator to share any concerns you may have or ensure your child is on track for Kindergarten. Appointments are available monthly, September-May.
You may also call 320-845-2171 ext. 5149 or 320-845-5101 ext. 2 to schedule an appointment.
Help Me Grow - Ages Birth-36 Months
Parents who have any concerns regarding their infant's development between birth and 36 months (not yet age-eligible for Early Childhood Screening) should contact Wendy Hagl at the West Central Education District (WCED) at 320-256-6116 to learn more about the programs and services available. Visit Help Me Grow, which is a great resource for understanding developmental milestones and managing concerns.
Contact Us

Admin Assistant, Community Education
School: (320) 845-5060 ext. 1
Early Childhood Coordinator